I'm up and running!

10:31 AM: Finally, making my first post! I’ve been fairly preoccupied between my courseload, work, getting some CS work lined up for the summer and trying to continue doing the things I enjoy. The last month, I’ve spent way too much time on the non-academic things I enjoy. I’ve gotten really into chess. Since February I’ve climbed from 800 to 1200, but the last month, I’ve been playing 40 hours each week. I’d have games going while I did homework, and spent way too much of my “free time” playing. It lead me to become careless with my studies, and I got a really bad score on a Physics exam. Because of this, I’ve restricted chess to a maximum of 2 hours on any given day and have set myself to getting back into the things that I’ve let go of in pursuit of developing as a chess player. Glad to be back!

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I'm up and running!

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